Universal Fantasy for the Win!

by | Nov 28, 2021 | Highly Recommended Read | 0 comments

7 Figure Fiction: How to use Universal Fantasy to SELL Your Books to ANYONE by T. (Theodora) Taylor was a highly recommended read in several books I had been reading on improving my writing craft and business skills..

Initial Uncertainty

I was originally hesitant to buy this book for two reasons:

  1. I was not sure what Universal Fantasy was and thought it might be a book genre and different from what I write
  2. The title sounded a bit like click-bait and a promised path to making a lot of money writing books

However, the high Amazon sales ranking and great reviews convinced me to pop down $5 (Kindle version) to buy 7 Figure Fiction and check it out.

Loaded with Super-Duper Advice

Within pages, I was hooked. T. Taylor clearly explains what Universal Fantasy (UF) is and how to use it. UF is used to improve both your writing and your marketing. Taylor provides excellent examples of how to identify UF from other stories, movies and TV shows, including Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and Gray’s Anatomy.

I have been studying and improving my writing craft skills and writing business skills seriously over the last year. There are many books on those topics (refer to my blog post on editing as an example). 7 Figure Fiction is the first book that covers both the writing craft and writing business in an unique and easy-to-understand way. This book teaches you who your audience is and how to expand and reach them. It made me realize I need to focus on what readers want to read, not what I want to write.

Simply, this book taught me how to attract an audience and then make sure they are pleased with what I write and thirsting for more. The focus is on what readers REALLY want and how to use UF to deliver. And I now understand that UF is not a book genre but applies to any genre, including my current series of crime thrillers.

So What is Universal Fantasy?

In T. Taylor’s own words, here is what UF is: “Universal Fantasy is your trope’s WHY IT’S GOOD. And when done right, good Universal Fantasy not only gives your trope book LIFE but also helps it SELL to readers outside your target audience.”

Taylor then dives into explaining what various UFs exist in popular stories and why readers love them, then explains how to make sure your writing and marketing are using UF to help sell more books.

A Highly Recommended Read

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Cleary presented, easy to read, understand and apply to your own writing, and filled with gold nuggets of useful information for authors to write and sell on target.

his book is a highly recommended read, and can be purchased in the following Amazon stores:

Amazon US
Amazon Canada
Amazon UK
Amazon Australia

Steve Shipley

Steve Shipley


I am a lifetime corporate IT consultant with a mathematics and IT technology background, with a passion for solving mysteries and writing. I have been fortunate to combine both during my career. I am now writing the Blake Willis thriller series, and hopefully thrilling readers!

Read Steve’s Biography


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